BlackNET 3.5.1 Cracked
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
About BlackNET
Free advanced and modern Windows botnet with a nice and secure PHP panel built using VB.NET.
this botnet controller comes with a lot of features and the most secure panel for free
What You Can Do
Upload File
Open Webpage [Visiable, Hidden]
Show MessageBox
Take Screenshot
Steal Firefox Cookies
Steal Saved Passwords [ Chrome, Firefox ]
Steal Chrome Cookies
Steal Chrome History
Execute Scripts
Execute Shell Commands
Computer operations [ Restart, Shutdown, Logout ]
Uninstall Client
Move Client
Blacklist Client
Close Client

PHP >= 7.0
NET Framework
How to Install PHP Panel
Clone the Repo
Compress BlackNET panel folder and upload it to your hosting
Create a database with any name you want
Change the database information and app path in config/config.sample.php
Rename config.sample.php to config.php
Change files and folders permission to 777 [ Uploads Folder]
Make Sure that all DLLs are included in Plugins Folder
Go to install.php to create the botnet tables automatically
Enable a Cron Job for ping.php and remove.php
Update notice
If you have BlackNET installed you need
Upload the new files
Run update.php
What's New
1. Added Queue System to handle commands
2. Added NordVPN Stealer
3. Added Clipboard Stealer
4. Cleaner, Faster, Better Connection
5. Fixed Socket Issues
6. Update BlackUpload to 1.5
7. Update PHP Mailer
8. Removes some useless functions
9. Bugs Fixes
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jabber: russianhackerclub@jabber.ru
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